Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Boy who Inspired the Blog

This is Oliver. He was born in April 2013. I love him more than I ever could have imagined. I wish I had started this blog when he was born and used it to document his milestones and such. But the adjustment to motherhood was incredibly harder than I thought it would be. I could barely keep my head above water much less write a blog. 

We are here now though. He is 19 months old and I work full time in property management. Right now we are working on paying off our debt so one day I can stay home with him and his future siblings.  

He is such a joy. He loves people and makes friends wherever we go! He loves playing outside in the dirt. He is such a boy! He loves to dance; he gets his smooth moves from his mama. He gives hugs and kisses and says bye-bye like a champ. For the most part he is a pretty easy going kid, which is a far cry from how he was a new born. 

This is my favorite age so far. It is just so much fun. He is super cuddly and we just love him to death!

Looking handsome waiting for Santa at the Docks
Playing around in the grass while Grandma waits in line to see Santa

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