Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Big D

I left off where my husband had a seizure and it was different than all of his previous ones. His theory was that it was not epileptic in nature but diabetic. A few years ago he was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. He received a phone call from his doctor that he had diabetes and was told to start taking this prescritpion. They gave him no directions on what to eat no information or tools to check his blood sugar.

He felt ill-equipped and like it must not have been a big deal. So once his prescription ran out he stopped taking it. Besides a 13 day stint with the Whole30 last year we eat pretty terribly. I cook most nights but I made alot of casseroles. He is a pretty picky eater so it makes it difficult and I had just  gotten lazy. Plus we eat our fair share of fast food.

His neurologist agreed that he did not thing it was epileptic. Thank goodness! But now he needs to get serious about his diet and fitness and getting his diabetes under control. All the doctors and nurses yelled at him and told him horror stories so he would know how important it is to take care of yourself. They gave him tools to check his blood sugar. We have an appointment with the diabetes clinic tomorrow where they will go over diet and all that stuff. We have dramatically changed how we are eating. Not totally clean or whole but a huge step from what we were doing before. I mean we are eating vegatables with dinner everynight and not bread. So thats a step up. We started getting vegetables from a local CSA and we ate everything in our share last week. I am the queen of throwing away produce so this felt so good not to have any waste.

What is in our future? Lots and lots of doctors appointments, finger prickings everyday, and learning what to eat to get this under control. Any tips for healthy eating for a very picky eater would be much appreciated!

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